Call for Papers

Prospective authors from India and abroad are invited to submit manuscripts reporting original unpublished research and recent developments in the topics related to the conference. Full length articles or Abstract for oral/poster presentation that illustrate research results, projects, experiment works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the following areas are solicited, but are not limited to following scientific themes: 

The scope of the conference may include following major topics:

Track 1 – Materials Science

Track 2 – Manufacturing Engineering

Track 3 - Renewable Energy Technologies 

Track 4 - Computational Methods in Manufacturing

Length of paper: Minimum 5 pages and maximum 10 pages. Full papers are to be submitted in Pdf format.

Submissions to i-SMaRT 2025 have to follow the standard paper format, however, the authors may need to modify the template to suit a journal of their choice during the publication stage.

For any doubts or clarifications, contact via email at 

Authors should submit their abstracts and full papers online via the link given below. 

Microsoft's Conference Management Toolkit is the hosting platform for i-SMaRT.

To submit your papers, log in to the submission Web page for i-SMaRT 2025: Paper Submission Link i-SMaRT 2025.

For those who are not familiar with Microsoft CMT, Submission information can be found here.

Please upload your abstract/full papers following the submission guidelines given below. 

PS: There is no specific template to be followed unless you opt for any of our partner journals. In that case, authors may follow the standard templates provided by the journals. Template and guidelines for article submission can be referred from their respective web pages, links to which are included in the publications page.

Submission Guidelines